Tag: Supreme Court

  • Killing the US Constitution in Favor of the One World Government

    Killing the US Constitution in Favor of the One World Government

    The United States Supreme Court has chosen to not defend the US Constitution in favor of submitting to the One World Government. SCOTUS has denied hearing the Elaine Photography case allowing the further erosion of the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. The Supremes are allowing the lower New Mexico state supreme court…

  • Prison Release

    Prison Release

    The Supreme court, in a stunning decision that is in violation of federal law limiting the power of federal judges, has ordered the release of as many as 46,000 convicts in the state of California. Due to what the ACLU describes as “overcrowding” the court has found rights in the constitution for prisoners to a…

  • Impeachment

    impeachment The first calls for the impeachment of President Barrack Obama have been issued by Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona. Will the president continue to defy his oath of office regarding defending the laws of the United States or will he continue to act as a member of the Supreme Court crossing the line of…