Tag: Islamic State

  • Train Up a Child for Good or Evil

    Train Up a Child for Good or Evil

    Many Christians are familiar with Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Have you ever considered that this verse is neutral. It does not qualify the training as biblical or non-biblical, godly or ungodly. It just says to train…

  • Wrestling With the Spirit of Islam

    Wrestling With the Spirit of Islam

    Following the attacks in France on the staff at Charlie Hebdo and the massacre of Nigerians by Boko Haram the Obama administration is having trouble describing the problem of Islamic violence. Mr. Obama and his staff cannot even bring themselves to use the current politically correct term Islamic extremist. Even when mainstream Muslim imam Anjem Choudary…

  • President Obama: The World is Spinning Out of Control and Nobody Can Control It

    President Obama: The World is Spinning Out of Control and Nobody Can Control It

    The one thing the President of the United States does well is fundraising. Today, Mr. Obama spoke to democrats at the White Street Restaurant in New York, New York. As he spoke he made a startling statement. “[T]here’s a sense possibly that the world is spinning so fast and nobody is able to control it,”…