Tag: freedom of speech

  • The Freedom to Have a Blessed Day

    The Freedom to Have a Blessed Day

    Stories of Christians being silenced are becoming all too common. Schools don’t want to recognize the Christian holidays they once taught about. Cities and states don’t want public displays or expressions of faith. We even had a rash of political correctness when many store employees were told not to say Merry Christmas. Now a Walmart…

  • Houston, Freedom of Speech & Religion and Sexual Immorality

    Houston, Freedom of Speech & Religion and Sexual Immorality

    Houston, Texas, the city named for first governor of the Lone Star State, is trying to suspend the constitution in order to promote and normalize sexual immorality without opposition. The Space City’s openly lesbian mayor, Annise Parker has subpoenaed church sermons, among other documentation, from five local faith leaders. The city has requested that these…

  • Freedom of Speech

    Freedom of speech is a basic American freedom most of its citizens take for granted and assume will always be there, but they must be watchful. From the so called “fairness doctrine” to the president’s rapid response to bad press department and even a recent petition to shut down certain conservative news sources. It is…