Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Passing of Steve Jobs

    The Passing of Steve Jobs

    The cofounder and former CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs has passed away at the age of 56. With his passing America has lost an innovator on the order of Thomas Edison. Mr. Jobs brought us the personal computer, the iPhone and the iPad and so much more. Apple itself is reported to have more cash…

  • The Vision of the Protesters

    Protesters continue to gather in New York and other cities including Albuquerque. What are they protesting? Many are not sure. They are coming out against corporations and supposedly standing up for the working man. The problem is that the very things that they are marching in support of are bringing the oppression they want to…

  • Will We Deny Jesus Christ?

    Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who is facing the death penalty, has again refused to convert to Islam to save his life. The pastor has been found guilty of apostasy for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and teaching from the bible. Speaker of the house, John Boehner has condemned Iran and called for the pastor…

  • Food Police Go Global

    Food Police Go Global

    New York mayor Michael Bloomberg declared before the United Nations this week that the highest calling of government is to promote healthy foods. Interesting, I thought the constitution said it was life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. According to the mayor, the governments of the world should work together to control people’s food choices…

  • Yom Teruah- Rosh Hashanah, Judge Yourself or be Judged

    Wednesday evening at sunset marks the 1st of Tishri on the Hebrew calendar and the biblical holy day of Yom Teruah or the day of trumpets also known as Rosh Hashanah or the head of the year. It is on this day that Israel would anoint their king. It will be on this day when,…

  • Coaches Cannot Bow Their Heads in Prayer

    Several public high school football coaches in Westmoreland, Tenn. are in trouble for bowing their heads during a student-led prayer before a recent game. the coaches didn’t say anything aloud themselves, but bowed their heads in observance alongside the students. The coaches weren’t disciplined, but were made to sign letters indicating they understood the school’s…

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