Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • How to Become a Congressional Millionaire

    Would you like to be a millionaire? If you join the United States congress, it could happen to you. It turns out that as a member of congress you would not be under the law against insider trading. Insider trading is just what it sounds like, it is when you get information on the success…

  • Are we witnessing the fall of civilization?

    Are we witnessing the fall of civilization?

    Are we witnessing the fall of civilization? Reports have come out that the White House was hit by several bullets. The bullets were stopped by ballistic glass and the walls of the president’s home in what appears to be a type of drive by shooting. This is but one symptom of the slipping away of…

  • Hurting Children

    Former Penn State defensive coordinator, Jerry Sandusky, has been accused of doing the unthinkable with young boys, and is reported to have some 40 or more charges filed against him. These despicable acts have engulfed most of the Penn State football program, including head coach Joe Paterno. The firestorm has moved the students to protest…

  • America Divided

    Last night’s elections showed once again the split personality of the United States. In Ohio, the people soundly rejected the mandatory aspect of President Obama’s healthcare law, while at the same time keeping collective bargaining rights for the public employees union. In Mississippi, they approved a law limiting the state’s right to emanate domain while…

  • Smile, Mr. President, We’re Still Listening

    Smile, Mr. President, We’re Still Listening

    President Obama is not a friend of Israel or Prime Minister Netanyahu. In a candid moment reminiscent of his bitter clinging to guns and religion moment, President Obama and French president Nicolas Sarkozy reviled their shared feeling of Netanyahu. Sarkozy reportedly said that he could not stand the Israeli premier and thought he was a…

  • A Blind President

    The President of the United States, Barak Obama, is suffering from a vision problem. Like the story of the emperor and his new clothes, the president cannot see what a child could see. He stated that America is better off after his first term as president. John Boehner responded with “are you kidding me?” Meanwhile,…

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