Category: News Commentary

  • Asking for the Bread of Tomorrow

    Asking for the Bread of Tomorrow

    I read a great post by Aaron Eby of First Fruits of Zion entitled the Midnight Visitor. In that post Aaron deals with a more correct understanding of the Lord’s prayer found in both Matthew 6 and Luke 11. Specifically, he deals with the word translated as daily in the phrase “our daily bread”. The…

  • The Freedom to Have a Blessed Day

    The Freedom to Have a Blessed Day

    Stories of Christians being silenced are becoming all too common. Schools don’t want to recognize the Christian holidays they once taught about. Cities and states don’t want public displays or expressions of faith. We even had a rash of political correctness when many store employees were told not to say Merry Christmas. Now a Walmart…

  • The Taliban Two Step, Why Fools Should Not Run the Country

    The Taliban Two Step, Why Fools Should Not Run the Country

    According to the White House it is alright to swap prisoners with the Taliban because the Taliban is not considered a terrorist group. Wait? What? That’s what the deputy press secretary Eric Schultz argued with ABC’s John Karl. During the exchange Karl asked whether the Jordanian government’s trade with the Islamic State was similar to…

  • Choosing Courage Over Comfort

    Choosing Courage Over Comfort

    During her recent state of the state speech, Governor Susanna Martinez gave a charge to New Mexico and it’s legislative body, “I ask that, in every decision, we choose courage over comfort, change over stagnation, reform over the status quo,” Martinez urged New Mexico lawmakers to approve measures aimed at creating jobs and improving the…

  • Wrestling With the Spirit of Islam

    Wrestling With the Spirit of Islam

    Following the attacks in France on the staff at Charlie Hebdo and the massacre of Nigerians by Boko Haram the Obama administration is having trouble describing the problem of Islamic violence. Mr. Obama and his staff cannot even bring themselves to use the current politically correct term Islamic extremist. Even when mainstream Muslim imam Anjem Choudary…

  • Fuel Riptide, the Russian Interest Rate and the World Economy

    Fuel Riptide, the Russian Interest Rate and the World Economy

    Cost of fuel has dropped by 45% and that is good, right? Lower gas prices are good for an economy when they drop slowly. It is sort of like losing weight, if you drop a lot of weight quickly it can have a negative effect on the body. Losing weight slowly, like a couple of…