Category: New Mexico

  • The Culture of Death Expands to Assisted Suicide

    The Culture of Death Expands to Assisted Suicide

    Euthanasia, the easier word for doctor assisted suicide, is coming. What once seemed an unthinkable thought is now becoming normalized in many states and nations. The argument is that people should be autonomous and decide for themselves when it is time to die. The culture of death has been hard at work for some time.…

  • Choosing Courage Over Comfort

    Choosing Courage Over Comfort

    During her recent state of the state speech, Governor Susanna Martinez gave a charge to New Mexico and it’s legislative body, “I ask that, in every decision, we choose courage over comfort, change over stagnation, reform over the status quo,” Martinez urged New Mexico lawmakers to approve measures aimed at creating jobs and improving the…

  • Pot, The New Mexico Supreme Court and the Battle for America’s Soul

    Pot, The New Mexico Supreme Court and the Battle for America’s Soul

    Many call it a fight for liberty, comparing it to prohibition and the legalization of alcohol. Albuquerque and Santa Fe have been pushing to remove the stigma and penalty associated with the illegal use of marijuana. In the case of Albuquerque, the effort to add an “advisory” question to the November ballot was vetoed by Albuquerque…

  • Education, Immorality and the Single Mom

    Education, Immorality and the Single Mom

    Education is front and center for New Mexico once again. One part of this complex problem is the single parent household that makes up more than 36% of households in New Mexico. Yet we continue to encourage and reward this choice. We even hold up the single mother as virtuous and honorable. Both the choice…

  • Same Sex Marriage is Now Legal in NM?!?

    Same Sex Marriage is Now Legal in NM?!?

    The news that Santa Fe mayor David Cross has found a “human right” for sinful behavior, because New Mexico and our nation’s founders never envisioned a time that marriage had to be defined as one man and one woman, is rocking New Mexico’s Christian community. The mayor and other progressives are seeking the right to sinful rights…

  • The Twisted Logic of AntiChrist and the Tragedy of the Griego Family

    The Twisted Logic of AntiChrist and the Tragedy of the Griego Family

    In an op-ed piece written by Leslie Linthicum that appeared in the Albuquerque Journal on 01/24/13. Ms. Linthicum stated regarding the tragic deaths of the Greg Griego family, “We can spend a lot of time speculating on what was going on in Nehemiah’s heart last weekend. But we know that Jesus did not protect the…