The Lawless President Obama and the Welfare State

The lawless one, President Barack Obama, has struck again. This time Mr. Obama believes he can overrule the welfare reform act passed by congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton by using administrative waivers issued by Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sibelius to the various states. These waivers would effectively render the law null and void and allow a return to the destructive government dependency of the 70s and 80s.

The problem is that I doubt anyone will try to stop this. Oh sure, people like me and others will speak against it, but congress will meekly watch the president dismantle America and disregard our laws, but do nothing.

The bible calls on the people of God to be generous and charitable, but not in the dehumanizing and enslaving manner of government welfare. When a community is governed by biblical principles we know to help people out of the tough times while empowering them to work and earn their own way and not repeat the mistakes of the past. Welfare works against this principle and keeps people below the poverty level and stuck in destructive lifestyles. Lawlessness always brings destruction in the guise of help.




