Obesity and the Food Police

The city of New York is already considering a ban on large surgery drinks as it loosens its stance on marijuana, but wait there’s more. The New York board of health, handpicked by Michael Bloomberg, has decided to add milk based products and movie theater popcorn to the list of potential banned products in its fight against obesity and all things not approved by the liberal food police.

Believe it or not, the bible has clear teachings on food and its consumption. It not even complicated. The Lord wants us to enjoy the foods He created, just not to excess. The reason we have an obesity problem in America is that we overindulge in our abundance.  God has commanded us not to be gluttonous, yet we cannot legislate morality. People must decide for themselves if they will eat as much as their stomachs can hold or stop when they are satisfied. As we move away from the Lord such sins will continue, any other solution but Jesus is just silly.



