More Obama, Less Liberty

The assault on capitalism continues. As monetary policy makers meet in Europe to redefine and reimagine socialized capitalism, president Obama is preparing his third State of the Union speech with a focus on government having a bigger role in people’s lives. Be prepared to hear the words fair and equal used often. Of course, we know that only equal opportunity is all the government can provide. Equal income and security are but socialized Marxist attempts at so-called social justice and will always fail.

While modern terms like socialism, Marxism and even communism are not found in the pages of scripture, the emphasis is on God reliance and work to realize blessings and success. It is the goal and natural bias of the world and governments to increase in power and influence, taking with them freedom and liberty until its citizens are dependent on them for their daily bread. In America, it is the responsibility of the people to limit government and retain the hard fought liberty so many have died to obtain.



