For Such a Time as This

According to the Hebrew calendar it is the 14th day of Adar the day that is celebrated as Purim. It is common to read from the book of Ester on this day and to remember how God used a young orphaned Jewish girl to save her people from extinction.

There are many wonders to behold in the life the Lord has given us. I have been amazed at the fullness of the moon this weekend. They tell us that the moon is closer to the earth right now than at any point in its orbit and that we will not behold such a sight for at least 18 years. Such a thing is difficult to describe in words or even in pictures, as it must be experienced to be understood. This is also true of the times we live in now. People through the generations have experienced difficult times. They have face time of persecution and trials that seemed unbearable in the moment it happened. Queen Ester was just such a person, because she was pleasing to the eye and caught the kings attention, she was thrust into a position of possible influence at a time of God’s choosing. We read in Esther 4:13-14;

And Mordecai told them to answer Esther: “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

The most fundamental question of any person is “why am I here?”. Such a question defines us in ways we can never fully comprehend. Contrary to the humanist, there is a purpose, a rhyme and reason, for our life. The Lord can and will use those who step up and allow them selves to be counted. The sad thing is that many are allowing themselves to be passed over and the Lord will raise up others in their place. Even now I can here the echo of the Lord’s call to Isaiah in Chapter six verse eight; “Whom will I send, and who will go for us?”

From observation and even what I feel in my gut we are very quickly nearing “The Day of the Lord”, that time is running short. It is easy to be lulled in to believing that all is alright. As Americans, we can easily buy into the idea that the trouble of the middle east and Japan will remain overseas and that none of that will show up on our shores or at our backdoor. Don’t fall for it. The trouble is closer than we think. Forces are at work even now to weaken our ability to defend ourselves and just as Japan has discovered, it does not take as much as one might think to bring a nation to its knees.

There are three main forces working to change the bias in our course. The Lord, who causes all things to work together for those who love Him. Satan, that old serpent, who prowls like a lion seeking to steal, kill and destroy. Mankind, who has a bias toward sin and destruction but when led by the Spirit can bring life, building up, and other good.The question becomes, whom will mankind follow? Do we hear the call to action?

It is time to stop calling good, evil and evil, good. We must stand up and declare the way of the Lord to be right and good. If we continue to allow politicians to destroy our economy and infrastructure how can we withstand a disaster of any kind, much less the type of major event(s) we can expect in the next few months or years. Like Ester, we cannot remain silent anymore. Even in the worst of times, God expects us to be the salt and light to our world. There is no backing down, your life matters and can have an impact. Will you allow your life to matter in a time such as this?




